
December 1995
Thursdays meeting in PP convers, channel 112
First meetings at Ham Radio fair and UKW-Tagung
16 January 1997
Foundation of the IG FiH by DL2ABM, DL1GJJ, DL2OCL
31 January 1997
The first club call DKØFIH is assigned, owner: DL2ABM, QTH Gifhorn, DOK: H08
April 1997
DBØFIH is assigned (DG6YEB in Selm, N21)
June 1997
DLØFIH is assigned (DL1GJJ in Hochdorf, P21)
QSL-Karte DK0FIH DL0FIH DB0FIH aus 1997
September 1997
Publications in journals of the aid organisations and amateur radio
August 1997
DFØFIH is assigned (DL2OCL in Helmstedt, H54)
October 1997
FiH meeting at Interradio
November 1997
First 80m FiH roundtable on Monday evenings
January 1998
Publication in the Germany radio announcement
The 100th member is accepted
August 1998
First radio announcement, initially weekly, from September 2000 on monthly
November 1998
The IG FiH on the web: http://www.qsl.net/ig-fih (now abandoned)
FiH meeting at AMTEC
January 1999
The “Blue Light Diploma” is published
March 1999
DCØFIH is assigned (DB3VG in Illingen, Q20).
FiH meeting in Merchweiler (Ham20)
The owner is sk and the call is free. So if a FiH-Member wants to get this call, let me (DL8NCS) know.
May 1999
DOØFIH is assigned (DO1YES in Bielefeld, N01)
FiH meeting at the amateur radio market in Dortmund
July 1999
New QSL card design is introduced
October 1999
DAØFIH is assigned (DL8NCS in Eckental, B33)
QSL-Karte DA0FIH aus 1999
November 1999
First 70cm FiH roundtable via the Torfhaus relay on Monday evenings
DDØFIH is assigned (DC1GJF in Frankfurt/Oder, Y22)
December 1999
100th Blue Light Diploma is awarded for honour
January 2000
2m FiH roundtable via the Leer relay on Monday evenings (QRT in November)
February 2000
The special DOK “FiH” is assigned for the club calls
March 2000
DGØFIH is assigned (DG9FFM in Gießen, F07)
June 2000
70cm FiH roundtable via the Gießen relay on Friday evenings (QRT in October)
July 2000
FiH long-time contest starts
October 2000
FiH info booth at Interradio
November 2000
FiH weekend in Heyrothsberge near Magdeburg, fire prevention and civil protection academy
November 2001
FiH weekend in Dommitzsch (Sachsen), state police academy
January 2002
FiH exists for 5 years
December 2003
Torfhaus roundtable is transmitted in Echolink for testing
70cm FiH roundtable via the Vogelsberg relay on Monday evenings
2m FiH roundtable via the Feldberg relay on Thursday evenings
Times and relays are then changed repeatedly
February 2004
400th Blue Light Diploma is awarded for honour
QSL-Karte DA0FIH aus 2004
March 2005
FiH meeting at the flea market in Gießen-Wieseck
May 2005
The long-time contest is discontinued for lack of participation
September 2005
FiH meeting at the UKW-Tagung in Bensheim
September 2006
700th member is accepted
January 2007
FiH exists for 10 years

(11 years no news…)

QSL-Karte DA0FIH aus 2018
July 2018
Rainer, DL8NCS, takes over the leadership of FiH from Karsten, DL2ABM
The FiH has now over 850 members
September 2018
Gisela, DG9NGO, is the new diploma manager for the Blue Light Diploma
April 2019
The new website is available on ig-fih.de. This is the only current website. The old website (www.qsl.net/ig-fih) is no longer maintained and outdated. Its deletion is desired.
May 2021
The Blue Light Diploma is redesigned for a new edition, so far over 570 diplomas were issued
August 2023
The website is also available in English